The fastest, most comprehensive and easy to use app, thanks to the innovative APP operation. Keep up to date by Push Up Service on your Android smartphone and tablet!
✔ Optional Add and Manage newspaper portals and sources
✔ receive breaking news
✔ Free choice of display mode (tablet, mobile)
✔ Various other settings
✔ Best News App
✔ favorites
✔ Adjustable font size
✔ News list of newspapers
✔ Remove or sort news sources
✔ More news sources via RSS and podcast subscribed
✔ default news sources to editable
✔ Share with news via email, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and other social media
✔ Optimized for low bandwidth and high download speed
✔ Last 24 hours
✔ Android TV Works
To access the following newspapers and news portals are available:
✔ Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ)
✔ 20 minutes
✔ view
✔ Tages Anzeiger
✔ Aargauer Zeitung
✔ Basler Zeitung (BaZ)
✔ Berner Zeitung (BZ)
✔ day week
✔ Google News
✔ Bolero
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